I would like to request, if possible, that the slab in the landings be changed when the steps are modified, as in reality, a “loft” is not performed but rather a simple extrusion downwards. This type of slab creates unrealistic situations when a staircase has a landing divided into two steps. Attached are some images explaining my issue.
Thank you
This option you suggest may not keep the thickness of the stair slab. Is that what you want? Can you provide a 3dm with your suggested solution? that way we can study it as a possible solution for generating stairs like that.
The problem with this kind of stairs is that there should be some kind of a ruled surface. As we can see this is not true with a regular VA definition. I think the definition tries to get some “constant” height of a slab, thus the bottom surface is irregular. I wouldn’t like to set up a formwork for it
So, I think an option to get a staircase from a solid could be some kind of solution - just like a wall from a solid. Francesc, what do you think? Especially with a GH definition?
Cheers, Jaro
@jerry.bakowski if you create the stair from a Grasshopper Style, or from a solid, then of course, you can create it with the constructive and design solution you wish!
Francesc, I know I can
You have assumed one single parameter as an obligatory one (a thickness of stairs’ plate), but apart from that there are some other factors, like feasibility. Sometimes you can skip one factor to get easier (and finally cheaper) construction solution.
So, what I would like to have is an option to have a GH definition for stairs (I can write it by myself). And changing its parameters on the fly, as I can do with other VA objects, would be perfect. As you may know, there are lots of different national regulations and the basic VA definition is quite far from what we really need. Frankly, I don’t care about BIM compability, so for now I just use some solids as stairs (or my GH definition), but there are a lot of people who wants such option.
Cheers, Jaro
@fsalla I’ll create a solid model of stairs with the slab as I believe it should be. As soon as it’s ready, I’ll attach it to the chat.
@fsalla Attached you’ll find the 3dm file of the stairs with the slab that, in my humble opinion, should be generated in these particular cases.
Thanks @Alessandro_Barbisan that helps! we will consider this solution when we develop the stair object further in future versions.
I didn’t expect I would hit the similar problem so soon
So, I need to model an existing balanced staircase, and here are my attempts:
The first picture shows the layout as it should be, I mean it is a drawing of measured staircase. The second one is a VA model. And no matter how hard I try, I cannot get a proper geometry. It seems that the model lacks (at least) one parameter - an offset for centre point. I think if I could move this point a bit I could get a more accurate model. Francesc, what do you think? Is it possible to add such a parameter? Plus a number of “balanced” steps set by a user?
Cheers, Jaro