So I encountered this bug/issue today and wanted to share it with you.
I have the following model that contains a mesh which is basically 3 meshes joined together:
(I hope you can see that in the picture. The holes are for screws to put everything together.)
So then I use a plane to cut through the meshes by using the Mesh.Split method on every mesh in the layer which returns an array of meshes that is incomplete sometimes and I think it does that for every mesh that is a disjoined part of a “bigger mesh” and that didn’t get cut through by the plane:
Here are example pictures for clarification:
I think you can see what mesh is disappearing / which one is missing, right? So in the case when I call mesh.Split() with a mesh that has a DisjointMeshCount > 1, meshes start to disappear if the plane didn’t cut through them, because not all the disjoint parts get returned inside the array of meshes by the split method.
This does also happen when I do this manually in Rhino itself and not in code.
I know the workaround for this but wouldn’t it be nicer if this didn’t happen?