Split or trim a brep

hello friends
I need to separate a part in the body of this figure as in the picture
Do you have a solution for this issue?
Please guide me

unnamed.gh (7.4 KB)

Your model doesn’t include the wavy lines / surfaces used to split the block?

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Dear Joseph
I want it to be separated in a wavy ribbon all around
And regarding your question, yes, the model I made so far does not have any wave lines, and I do not know how to create this wave on its body.

How those wavy lines are created very much determines the method and result of splitting the box :exclamation:

And the code that creates the box is excessively complicated :bangbang:

If this isn’t what you want, change it - and prepare your question better next time.

split_box_2024Mar2a.gh (38.0 KB)

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You can do it also directly without GH.

cube.3dm (313.5 KB)

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Dear Joseph, it was an extraordinary act that was beyond my imagination
But I meant a strip on the body of the same cube without changing the shape of the cube
Like the edge of the old French windows, I wanted to output only a strip around that cube shape

Marcin, thank you for your help
That’s exactly what I meant
Now, with the help of your output line, I can create a strip around the cube
Can I just have the grasshopper?

So change it! I made the box taller because one of my surfaces was too high. One surface could be offset from the other to make them “parallel”.

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Yes, regarding your solution, an output can be taken from the edge of your shape and with the help of offset, a ribbon can be separated from all around the shape.
thank you

Create your own surface and offset it to make the second surface. You are not helpless :bangbang:

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You are right about Rhino, dear Joseph
I can easily do this in Rhino
And then with a simple offset
Create a ribbon around the cube

My problem is doing the same thing in Grasshopper
A parametric ribbon

From your point of view, this is very simple in Grass Hopper

The white group creates a wavy surface through the center of the box (Volume ‘C’), like dozens of examples on this forum. The “bumps” are determined by the ‘Count’ and ‘Seed’ sliders connected to PopGeo, their height determined by the ‘Target’ slider below the Graph Mapper. Two sliders in the blue group (‘Srf_1Z’ and ‘Srf_2Z’) move copies of the wavy surface up and down, taking the place of the two manually created surfaces in the previous code.

split_box_2024Mar2b.gh (24.3 KB)

Thank you dear Joseph
I worked on it at the same time as you and now we have two solutions
Thank you for your friendly help
You were right, I should have thought more about my question
ribbon.gh (40.5 KB)

Your code doesn’t produce a top and and bottom to the “ribbon” surface, or even square corners :interrobang: :roll_eyes:



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The yellow group in this version creates the top and bottom surfaces for the “ribbon” differently. It doesn’t work on your code though, since you are using polylines with too many segments and vertices.

split_box_2024Mar2c.gh (27.6 KB)

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I think I should use your solution

I think with the help of the command “Sweep two rail” I was able to make a ribbon that fits perfectly on the walls.
Ű±ŰšŰ§Ù† Ű”ŰźŰ±Ù‡ Ű§ÛŒ.gh (67.9 KB)