Split object into parts


I have an organic object I want to split into pieces. It would be ideal if the parts were roughly the same size, but haven’t had much success. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Branch to split.gh (4.2 MB)

there was a discussion on this subject here

Here I have tried another solution, it has some plugin, some of them could be skipped and other changed.
But the logic is
1)Generate a solid brep/mesh of the object, I use here Dendro to close the mesh, it is not 100 % perfect but seems to work here.
2)Generate points inside the volume

3)Cluster these points with K-Mean clustering for example

4)Calculate the center of the Cluster
5)Make a 3D Voronoi (intersection with object will be a plane or planar surfaces.

  1. Make solid intersection

12 pieces here

5 pieces

40 pieces

Bison is not exactly what wanted @martynjhogg has it is volume
Volume from 1.8138e+6 To 3.2192e+6

And if you want the most stable positions, use stable positions From Nautilus plugin

Branch to split LD.gh (5.1 MB)


Wow, this is extremely helpful, and much better than the results I got. I am going to look through this more closely. Thank you

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As you object is not closed, there are still some problems.
Cap close one main hole.
The other require some little work


Thanks, yea the form will require some clean up. I was initially thinking it would be easier as a shell, so I had actually cut the base off the branch. When I saw your solution for splitting as a solid that makes a lot more sense.

This could be a very useful tool @laurent_delrieu !
I wonder if you could add a pair of dowels between each face to aid with assembly?

Yes it is possible
Rough version there, time to go to bed

Mesh split LD.gh (878.2 KB)