Split Ellipsoid

Hi Guy,
In Rhino How I can split ellipsoid to 2 parts


If the results do not need to be closed then Split command.
Assuming a single surface use the Isocurve option of the Split command for the split location.

If the result need to be closed.

Alternative 1:
Split as above
PlanarSrf command on the new edges

Alternative 2:
Create a plane where your want the split
BooleanSplit command

Thank David
Alternvative 2 not work

Upload a .3dm file with the unsplit object and the plane to use as the splitting tool.

Please check in my file

Rhino model.3dm (454.9 KB)

If the seam ends are both on the split plane, the split fails.

split_with_seam_ends_on_plane.3dm (290.9 KB)

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Another option is cutplane

This is a bug in the Ellipsoid command. If you ShowEdges, naked, you’ll see that the ellipsoid isn’t properly closed at the poles.

RH-70897 Ellipsoid has bad poles

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… oh and _removeallnakedMicroEdges completely destroys the ellipsoid with bad poles…
… and (what a pity) _setPt does not repair the poles in one go.
moving 7 of the 8 CV s at the pole, to random positions and then use _setPt to set them all to the same (initial) position - fixing the pole is possible …
so @chuck would be cool to also check this hidden welding feature of _setPt to at least allow to repair those cases with this command.

and / but as a workarround:
use a sphere and scale it to the original dimension of the ellipsoid
_boundingbox on the ellipsoid
_sphere in same direction in space
now split (isocurve) and split IP both work fine here (Mac V7)

This is a “Far from origin” issue, even though it isn’t really that far. If you move the ellipsoid so that the center is at (0,0,0), SetPt works. It seems it should work without moving. Probably the same problem that caused the ellipsoid to be bad in the first place. I see that Mikko fixed Ellipsoid command problem overnight. I’ll look into SetPt failing to make the points identical.


RH-70897 is fixed in the latest WIP

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