Split >Apparent Intersections

Can someone remind me of the actual reason(s) that Split doesn’t have an “Apparent Intersections” option (while Trim does)?

Thx, --Mitch


Hi Mitch - I guess this is due to the way selection is handled - unlike Trim there’s not always a specific view that can be located and the apparent intersection worked out. In Trim Rhino knows you clicked this object in this view to tell it what part to throw away, but in Split you select all the objects and and then all the cutters, then the thing goes to work. It does pay attention to views but it’s not nearly so clear cut.


Hi Pascal -
Well I guess I don’t understand why that should completely exclude using apparent intersections… All you need to do is grab the current view direction once all the cutters have been selected, and assume that’s what the user wants to use. I have a script that does just this. I’d venture to say that 99.9% of the time when the user is doing this they are working in an ortho view anyway.


Hi Mitch - yeah, and it’s my guess of the moment as to why it is not done this way, but… it does seem to me it could be pretty fraught with head scratching if Rhino assumed the active view when cutter selection was done should be the one to use - after all there is frequently no visible change in splitting and any errors might not be known for a while down the road. I do think you’d need another deliberate step in the process anyway.


I also share this frustration, forever wanting to apparent intersect for split, and I bet others do also.

so what about a script that (in ortho) projects the lines to Cplane, does the split then brings them back to where they came from ?


I am bringing this up again because i just wondered why i couldn’t split non-intersecting curves. (as seen in screenshot below)
it buggled me because i thought it did work some time ago, at least i had the feeling that it did.
Is there any option i missed / unknowingly changed to make this work?

No, you can’t Split by apparent intersections, all you can do is trim.

I use this script:
SplitByViewNew.py (7.6 KB)

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One way you can split a single curve at an apparent intersection is to have the int Osnap on and “Use Apparent Intersection” in Options>ModelingAids>Osnaps and then use the Point option in the split command and snap to the apparent intersection.
The Point option in split only works for one curve at a time. If you select both curves you won’t see that option.

@Helvetosaur thank you,
i never tried anything with scripts and my first attempt with your file wasn’t successful. How do i use it?

@jim jeah, i use it that way very often. It’s just that in my brain habbits it feels like i should be able to split a curve with a curve. Or maybe it’s some memories leftover from Grasshopper.

Save the .py somewhere on your computer.

For a very occasional need, use RunPythonScript and browse to the file where you saved it.

Otherwise, create an alias or toolbar button with
! _-RunPythonScript "Full path to file" (path enclosed in quotes!)

For more complete info on running scripts see here:

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it works!!!