The issue is that in Rhino, it’s not possible to select an object by double-clicking a layer.
I use the middle mouse button to focus on the selected object. This is helpful because navigating to the group object, surface, curve, or point is significantly faster. But how can we combine both methods?
So, when I press the middle mouse button…
The idea is that
if there is something selected
Then, Zoom selected
Run a custom script
That looks at the selected layer
selects the objects in it,
and Zoom selected
To do so, I consulted ChatGPT4. After some introductions, friendly banter, and discussions, we created this code.
Option Explicit
'Script version 3
'Script was written by Alan Mattanó and co-authored by ChatGPT4, with thanks to Jeremy5 and Michael Vollrath
'Script copyright - use as you wish
'Script date: Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 11:37 AM
Call CustomZoomSelected()
Sub CustomZoomSelected()
Dim arrSelectedObjects
arrSelectedObjects = Rhino.SelectedObjects(True, True)
If IsArray(arrSelectedObjects) Then
Rhino.Command("_Zoom _Selected")
Call SelectObjectsOnCurrentLayerAndSublayers()
arrSelectedObjects = Rhino.SelectedObjects()
If IsArray(arrSelectedObjects) Then Rhino.Command("_Zoom _Selected")
End If
End Sub
Sub SelectObjectsOnCurrentLayerAndSublayers()
Dim strCurrentLayer
strCurrentLayer = Rhino.CurrentLayer()
End Sub
Sub SelectObjectsOnLayerAndChildren(strLayer)
Dim arrObjects
arrObjects = Rhino.ObjectsByLayer(strLayer)
If Not IsNull(arrObjects) Then Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects)
Dim arrChildLayers
arrChildLayers = Rhino.LayerChildren(strLayer)
If Not IsNull(arrChildLayers) Then
Dim strChildLayer
For Each strChildLayer In arrChildLayers
End If
End Sub
To use this code, you need to:
- Go to Tools > RhinoScript > Edit. This will open the built-in RhinoScript Editor.
- Paste the script into the editor.
- Save As ‘CustomZoomSelected’. I’m new to scripting, so I can’t provide much help here. I usually designate a specific place on my drive to store all these files.
- Now, we need to execute this script. Close the current window.
- Navigate to Tools > Options.
- Within the Options dialog, proceed to Rhino Options > Keyboard.
- Look for the key you wish to assign this function to in the list of keys. My personal preference is to use the middle mouse button. To do this, navigate through Mouse > MMB > Run this Macro:
- In the Command column adjacent to the key, enter this Macro:
- -Runscript (CustomZoomSelected).
- Click [ OK ] to confirm and close the Options dialog.
Now, whenever you press the assigned function key or MMB in Rhino, it will either zoom to the selected object (if any are selected) or select all objects on the currently active working layer and zoom to them.
This will select ‘Pallet 03’, not the highlighted ‘PushBroom’."
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