SpaceMouse Enterprise Logos with Rhino 8

Hi guys,
I use the Spacemouse Enterprise from 3Dconnexion.
When I was on Rhino 7, no problem.
Since Rhino 8, I can’t see anymore the 12 logos on the mouse screen.
I can read the functions, I can change them with the 3Dconnexion application but I can’t see the logos.
And this is the only application where I can notice that.
I have checked the 3Dconnexion app options, advanced setting in Rhino but nothing…
Anyone has an idea?

In advance, thank you!

I think Etienne means the Rhino function icons.
The Spacemouse has a sreen where we can normally see the programmed shortcut’s icons.
Probably has to do with how Rhino 8 uses vector (svg) format for it’s toolbar icons.

Problem solved, the shortcut’s icons appear now, I guess with the last update.
Thank you.