I am trying to sort curves in a certain pattern without manually managing the curve collection. I added a grasshopper file. I tried so many things but can not figure this one out. any help would be appreciated.
Sorting Curves.gh (39.1 KB)
I am trying to sort curves in a certain pattern without manually managing the curve collection. I added a grasshopper file. I tried so many things but can not figure this one out. any help would be appreciated.
Too bad the code doesn’t include how these circles were created? Looks like the follow curved lines, which would be very handy for sorting them.
I manually arranged them…
Freehand? No guide curves? (for their center points)
P.S. Oh dear, I just realized their center points don’t have the same Z values…
I used
Sorting Curves Guides.gh (7.0 KB)
guide curves
yeah… they don’t… would a solution be easier if they were flat?
You are the man… I will try to understand what you did… Thanks