Solid union not baking properly

i have the brep work fine in grahopper but once i bake it it turns into multiple closed polysurfaces instead of just a single one

If the objects inside your crate partially coincide with the crate, the boolean union is likely to fail.

Make the parts slightly larger so they clearly overlap.

they completely overlap each other if i make them bigger they will go outside the perimeter of the box i have attached the code if that would help, this is my first grasshopper project so dont judge me to hard
box program (23.3 KB)

man I see you like boolean operations because there are plenty of those in your definition :slight_smile:

jokes apart, I think you should Flatten this input, because it brings a data tree while you want to just weld everything together:

yh i just treated it like rhino :slight_smile:
that worked thank you, could you tell me what a data tree is and how to avoid this in the future

I would start with this playlist, it’s the very basic you need to know for understanding data trees :+1:

Learn more about data trees by first reading everything about lists:

Designing with Lists | The Grasshopper Primer Third Edition (

thank you everyone