Opened a file today that I haven’t looked at for a couple weeks and clicking on some parts . One polysurface acted strangle but in a very desirable way. See attached file.
I know this polysurface is Fubared, although it was not found to be bad. Again, not the point. Double clicking on it put it into a fillet edit mode for some of the fillets, with all the option available to continue the fillet command.
Open the attached file before running any commands so you can see this part is preloaded with the Filletedge commands already in play.
Double click solid, Fillet edit options become available, including adding edges.
I wish this was a standard feature (with more polish to apply to all fillets) or there was a way to reedit fillet like this file shows. None of the other components in the file this came from responds like this. First time I’ve ever seen this.
Solid fillet.3dm (428.3 KB)
this part was copied and pasted into a fresh instance of Rhino so however this is happening it is a part of the data. If you take a refillet part and paste it into another file this feature is broken