I’m working on a building facade in grasshopper. I will include some pictures so you have a general idea of what I’m trying to recreate since my scipt is a bit messy (first time using grasshopper).
The problem I encounter is that my sliders are extremely unresponsive and it can take up to 5 minutes to load the new value. That is extremely annoying and I dont really know what is causing this extreme slowdown, my hardware should be fine. I did enable the performance monitor and it showed me that 1 component, solid difference, is taking very long to load. I dont really know why that component in particular takes so long or how I can decrease that loading time.
The pro way is to define an instance definition (or some more) and then place it in 3d space using plane to plane transformations (that’s what the Orient does). This requires code (C# in my case). Instances are also critical when at some moment you may need a BIM AEC app to handle the project (as is also the pro way).
For that type of stuff expect a dramatic reduction in elapsed time with regard post instance actions (placing that is). For delays during the parametric definition of similar things (especially “solids” due to boolean ops and the likes) remember that Rhino is not a solid modeller.
However and for big N of instances and depending on the object complexity you may as well encounter GPU related delays (a NVidia Kepler Quadro 4/5/6xxx does wonders … but is rather expensive).
If you look at the component more closely, then there are little “+” signs on it and you can click them to expand to get more inputs, just like Addition or Multiplication.