Slider moving slow and stuck

I am using grasshopper without initial rhino geometry or baking, it is only grasshopper geometry and preview. Lately the file seems to work slow when moving the sliders. They get stuck, like jumping in big steps and the geometry as well. I am also using python to control different scenarios.

Could the file be too large? Is there a way to better the movement?
The constant change and slide is an important part of the project. (file attached)
Any advice would help
Thank you! (112.0 KB)

Without even opening your file, I’m guessing that you are unintentionally(?) creating many thousands of copies of some geometry, likely by misuse(?) of grafting. Or have some slow operations like solid unions? Did you try to identify slow bits of the code using the Profiler? (‘Display | Canvas Widgets | Profiler’)

The file is R6 so I can’t see all of it anyway, but it’s a very complex model with many Python components. It will be difficult for many of us to debug.

Wait, this is more than one month old? You edited your post today so it shows up at the “front of the line”. :frowning: “Fool me once…”

@fraguada edited this post @Joseph_Oster

Oh, so a forum “moderator” moved the post from Grasshopper DeveloperGrasshopper which puts it at the top of the list? OK… Considering how much Python there is in the model, maybe it should be moved again to Scripting?

Seems like the Easter bunny is out for blood again! :rabbit:

@ofri360, I took a quick peek at your file and seems like it can be optimised in many ways.
For instance, instead of provoking errors, when no data (None) is passed to your GHPython components, you should implement a workaround, where they stay inactive if one or more inputs provide no data that would otherwise be necessary to the code execution.

Also you should refrain from using boolean operations (union, difference, splitting, etc.), if you want your definition to become faster and more responsive.
Joining two adjacent boxes just to make up simple window sill seems very wasteful.
Just come up with more intelligent ways to construct geometry, preferably from less costly points or curves, and hold back when it comes to constructing Nurbs or mesh geometry until the very end.