It’s kind of funny that Solid Difference union-ed my geometry. Both are closed breps, and no surfaces coincide. The difference works perfectly in native Rhino though (thru BooleanDifference). Any idea what may not be working?
My most humble acceptance and apologies for using an underhanded license (I swear I do not yet have the resources, I will one day hopefully)—and for my cadence as well, no excuses.
For the Grasshopper file, I’ll try to remake it with vanilla components and see if it will fare differently. Thank you for replying!
When you bake Breps in Rhino, their normals are automatically flipped outwards, so you won’t see the problem.
However this does not happen in Grasshopper where you can have closed Breps with normals pointing inside.
You need to craft a C# component with Brep.Flip() method