Snapshots issues


when I create a snapshot (1) with certain geometry visible, then create a new snapshot (2) with other geometry visible, and restore (1) it will show only the geometry visible I had in (1) so this works as expected.
But now if I create new geometry, and create snapshot (3) for this, then go back to (1), the new geometry is still visible. I think it should work like this: all new geometry created after snapshots have been generated should be hidden in other snapshots by default.

Futhermore there is a UI glitch that makes snapshots in V7 difficult to navigate, and it looks like the same change has been made for NamedViews. I am working with a wacom pad and it is now very difficult to keep the named views or snapshots in place. Accidental moves and copies while selecting are happening. Best this is shown in a screenrecording:

If I delete an object, then restore a snapshot, then want to undo the delete, I first have to go through a lot of Named Item changes. What are those?:

@Gijs, this is a tricky one. When you are saving those snapshots, what are you specifically recording to keep track of those objects visibilities? Object locked/visibility? or the layer of the object’s visibility?

I think are asking is that any new objects (or layers?) added to the file after the snapshot was saved should not be added to the Snapshop, correct?

So the snapshots logic is: ‘show only the specific things that are shown when I saved this snapshop’. Instead of ‘hide only the specific things I that I had hidden when I saved the snapshop’.



@gustojunk yes sorry I should have added the fact that in my example, I had everything checked.

but when you create a snapshot, it will obviously only register locked/visibility states of already existing geometry.

Normally in every project though it will happen that you will add this or that to a view, and then it will propagate through all the existing snapshots.

In other words, I think currently snapshots talk to existing objects, but new objects don’t talk to snapshots. If I have Locked/Visibility checked in my snapshot, I expect that it will remain like that no matter what I add in my scene.

Beside that I have another issue: if an object needs to be replaced, you get into a similar issue. I guess we need a ‘replace’ command so that all existing snapshots will update once you replace an existing object with a new one.

I think your expectations make sense: “any new element (object) should be added” …But the opposite expectations also makes sense: “any new object should not be added”

The problem with Snapshots is that is was coded without properly and thoughtfully being designed first. Like many of McNeel’s tools unfortunately.


@gustojunk I reread what I said and see it can be interpreted wrong. What I mean is that when I create a snapshot X with object A and object B, then if I create an object C after that, it should not be visible in snapshot X (if visible/locked was checked for that snapshot)

currently though snapshots don’t become aware of new created stuff after the snapshot is created. This means after creating object C, I create snapshot Y with objects A+B+C visible. Now I create snapshot Z with only object A visible. Then the following happens when switching between snapshots:

activating snapshot Z: object A visible

activating snapshot X: objects A+B visible (so far so good)

activating snapshot Y: objects A+B+C visible

activating snapshot X again: objects A+B+C visible! (NO!)

see attachedsnapshots(ze snappen het niet).3dm (200.0 KB)

quote=“Gijs, post:5, topic:119376”]
activating snapshot X again: objects A+B+C visible! (NO!)

If this is happening, then it’s really broken even beyond what I was even aware of. :man_facepalming:t2:


another issue. Looks this is a V-Ray issue, but not sure @andy @Nikolay

when creating snapshots with all options checked (lights and V-Ray lights options checked), restoring a snapshot will delete all lights from the V-Ray asset editor except 1

see attached file
lights-deleted.3dm (127.6 KB)

@Gijs wrt the tablet usage causing moves, I have been unable to repeat that on my Wacom Intuos S.

I do have some slight changes to the button setup so it works in a good way with the viewports as well, most specifically I set the upper (larger) button on the pen to right-click so I can navigate the viewports properly. It does mean hovering with the pen when navigating, since the pen click is left-click


@Gijs I will look into the other issues you reported. The deletion of the lights in the V-Ray asset editor is caused by a bug in our Snapshot light option.

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@nathanletwory Thanks for testing at your end. I’ve made 2 new recordings, one in V6, one in V7. In V6 I can window select named views / snapshots by window selecting. This option I miss in V7. In V6 selecting multiple windows needs to be done by shift + left mouse click. But keeping the pen still during a click is hardly possible. With the slightest move of the pen the window is then either placed differently or copied (when shift is pressed). No matter if you can reproduce it at your end or not, I much prefer how it was in V6. I don’t see a benefit of the extra copy option by shift dragging. Better make a ‘duplicate’ button for this in the upper row of buttons. Notice that in V6 it is also a bit weird: there dragging just a slight bit also moves the view order. But in V7 it has become even more sensitive it seems.


We’re dealing with the Wacom related moving/copying right now.

For the object and light issues…I think this needs some discussion.

Despite the name, Snapshots doesn’t save all of the information about the model. If you want that, you’ll probably opt to actually just keep different 3dm file - because Snapshots is designed not to provide the exact same model/view/state as the moment the Snapshot is taken - but a snapshot of various attributes associated with objects. This way you can carry on changing objects, and the visibility state recorded in the snapshot for that object will continue to apply…for example…

So when you add objects after a snapshot is taken, we decided at the time the feature was designed (and it went through many iterations) we decided that those objects do not participate in any way in the snapshot. If you want them to, the recommended workflow is:

Restore the Snapshot you’re interested in.
Modify the objects you think are incorrect.
Save the snapshot again with the same name.

I understand that there may be an argument to be made that objects that didn’t exist when the Snapshot was saved should be hidden when that Snapshot is restored. My guess is that many people will argue on both sides of this. One thing I’m quite sure about is that it doesn’t restore the same state to those objects - because they weren’t hidden - they didn’t exist.

My biggest concern is that making snapshots do that would make users panic that they lost their objects. The way it works right now, at least nothing is actually destroyed or hidden from the user.

BTW - there’s a hidden command “MatchSnapshot” that allows you to match all of the snapshot properties from one object and put them on another. You could use this to update new objects with the properties of old ones.

Finally…the lights. Interestingly enough, having looked at your model - and completely inconsistantly - we actually delete lights that were not in the model when a Snapshot was taken. This is because we actually save all of the light information and can restore it when another Snapshot is restored.

Oddly - this is exactly what you want to happen with the objects…but it confused you in exactly the way I thought it might…it deletes/hides lights and you wonder where they’ve gone.

  • Andy

this I don’t get. The lights in fact stay visible in the viewport, they are removed from Vray asset editor instead, no matter what snapshot I activate after that, they don’t come back

Yes and there are actually two very strong arguments for that: I am taking a snapshot from the scene ‘as it currently is’, so when I restore it, I don’t want to bother with things I did after making that snapshot.
Secondly, as shown in the example, restoring order affects what I will see in a snapshot… this is HIGHLY confusing.
If you want to keep the way it is done now as default, then at least give us the option to always hide new stuff from a snapshot. Which brings me to the following point:

I don’t get this issue, stuff that is not in a snapshot, but is in the scene is just in a hidden state right? So a user can always bring back everything with _Show

Do you understand how counter productive this suggestion is? Simple example, I have a scene with 6 snapshots, now I want to create snapshot 7 with one new object, this means I have to repeat what you suggest 6 times, and then a little later, when creating snapshot 8 with another new object, I will have to go through the same procedure 7 times…

btw: same applies for layers, new layers that were not in a snapshot when it was created should be left out (hidden) in existing snapshots.