Smart Ribbon along mesh

I want to create a Ribbon along mesh starting from a single guide curve
I mean that I want the tape to be dynamic and adapt to both the change of the branches and the shape of the curve.

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The problem with this definition is that the flow deforms due to the difficulty of creating the ribbon following the given path “the curve”

Curvature-Ribbon-along (463.2 KB) Ribbon-along mesh.3dm (71.5 KB)

Hi :slight_smile: is there a method to create a ribbon a long a spine on a mesh (ortogonal i guess) to make a clean split? I managed to get the mesh and curve pulled to the mesh but i would need a clean split in two meshes along that unregular spline. A big patch does not work as well…

Thanks a loT!

If you want plugin I have a ribbon tool to do that in Nautilus plugin
Here an example of use and bug in r7

You need a good precision to remove some bugs (7.4 KB)

And if you just want ribbon use Polyline Extrude Both Side of Mesh (7.3 KB)

Or is is also quite simple to dot that with components
Divide the curve
Search notmal for each point
Move point up and down
With 4 points of a segment make a mesh face
Join the faces

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