Slow getting grafical functions after clicking on the icons

In Rhino 8 (SR1) it takes very long time getting grafical functions after clicking on the icons. Particularly boolean functions takes about 4-5 seconds before it is possible to use them.

Hi Robert -
Please post a 3dm file and the output of the Rhino SystemInfo command.

Hi Wim,
I`m in contact with my local support and it seems that we solved my little issue, but in comparison with Rhino7, the boolean functions seem working slower in Rhino8 using the same machine with Win11.
Regards Robert

Hi Robert -

We’d need to see the 3dm file to be able to say anything meaningful about that. Generally, however, pretty much any function in Rhino has had bug fixes applied to Rhino 8, which, in some cases, might lead to something working slower.