I don’t mind at all.
I’m downloading the new driver and will install it ASAP. Thank you for catching that.
Wire Frame works well.
I don’t mind at all.
I’m downloading the new driver and will install it ASAP. Thank you for catching that.
Wire Frame works well.
Here are two screen captures that should show the different experiences
First Video
Second Video (WIP)
I’m assuming that second video is from after installing the latest graphics drivers ?
It looks like there is come debugging information being printed to the command line for an event watcher. Do you have any custom plug-ins running in the WIP?
I have installed the latest drivers. I don’t know of any plugins installed. When I select “Plug-ins that do not ship with Rhino”, it says, “Export SVG” and “Snapshots”.
Ok; those plug-ins actually ship with Rhino. We haven’t gotten around to adding them to the list of know plug-ins so the PlugInManager knows what to do. Snapshots must be printing this to the command line (@andy just an FYI that it looks like snapshots may be printing some debugging information in the WIP).
Thanks for sharing the videos. It definitely looks like there is something in our shaded mesh OpenGL shader that your GPU does not like in the WIP. I don’t have a solution yet, but hopefully we’ll figure out what is going on soon.
Let me know if I can help. The improvements are amazing.
Nope - it’s nothing to do with Snapshots - but a line of debugging code did make it into the WIP. It was removed almost immediately afterwards.
Oops, didn’t mean to point fingers. Sounds like this is already fixed
@jeff and @DavidEranen I’m bringing this to your attention in case you have any ideas of what may be causing the slowdown. It looks to be computer specific and also specific to shaded mesh drawing.
What you’re describing is exactly what I’m experiencing also in WIP.
I’ve compared numerous like-for-like files between v5 and WIP and in all cases v5 is as expected and WIP is very slow.
In general this is what I get:
Seems fast, but I think it’s still a bit laggy especially when zoomed close in.
Extremely slow. Takes a few seconds to shade up from wireframe mode.
Even slower in all modes including wireframe. Lot’s of freezing.
Quadro K1100M
WINDOWS 10 on a Dell Precision M3800 with 4k display.
Seems to be a very similar situation to mine…
Exactly the same as with Intel HD Graphics.
Which is definitely another galaxy.
I also just tried WIP on an older Dell Precision workstation with Windows 7 Pro (from around 2007) with a Quadro 600 graphics.card and the same problem exists.
Is there any news around the slow display issue. I’m still experiencing this in the latest build-
Work In Progress
(6.0.17164.11481, 13/06/2017)