Slow 2D drawing performance

Hi there,

we are making alot of 2D drawings here in our company and we are experiencing that when we go from lets say 5000 to 40000 curves we get very slow performance when want to do various command with the lines like moving, grouping or undo.

Is this normal for Rhino 7? We dont feel like its been this way all the time.

PC specs:
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6142 CPU @ 2.60GHz 8 Core
48 Gb Ram Memory

Rhino version:
Rhino 7 SR17 2022-4-12 (Rhino 7, 7.17.22102.05001

Windows version:
Windows 10.0.19042

Hej Kenneth -
As a quick test here, I created a simple rectangle and arrayed that 200 x 200 to get 40 000 curves.
Moving, grouping, and undoing are pretty much instant with that. Does repeating that behave differently on your machine?

If not, please post or upload a file that behaves differently. If you upload, make sure to add the URL to this thread in the comments field.
Also, please run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the result here.