Slope along irregular curve

I am trying to create a consistent slope/ramp along an irregular curve but am not sure where to start.
Any ideas would be appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

ExtrudeCrv the curve vertically to create a surface.
UnrollSrf the surface.
Create a curve on the unrolled surface with the desired slope, et.
FlowAlongSrf the created curve onto the extruded surface.

A quicker method for a constant grade.

ExtrudeCrv the curve vertically to create a surface.
UnrollSrf the surface.
Create points at the desired elevations at the starting and ending points.
ShortPath on the extruded surface between the starting and ending points. The resulting curve will have constant slope.

Thanks for your replies David -
I cannot get the FlowAlongSrf / ShortPath as it is not one but many surfaces:

UnrollSrf with Explode=No
Create the desired line/curve on the unrolled polysurface
Split the line/curve with the unrolled polysurface
Use FlowAlongSrf for each segment of the line/curve

I suppose another way would be to rebuild the input curve to a fairly high count and extrude a ‘dummy’ surface that will unroll as one thing, then work with that.


Another alternative:

Explode the original polysurface into individual surfaces
MergeSrf with Smooth=No the individual surfaces into a single surface. This surface will have multi-knots.
ShortPath on the merged surface.