Hi all
there is 5 number slider , how can i make them affect each other , if one set to 3 the others become 3 too. if the next one manually set to 12 other become 12 too.
Well, this is awsome.
still sl1 are independent to each other.hope this could be solved too.
if there are 5 sliders that whenever you make a changes to one of them the change is reflected to all others, then I guess you can replace the 5 sliders with one single slider?
…or you just mean their domains?
there is complicated script with many variable parameter which consist Factors that could change for experiments but should be fixed by each other everywhere. i am aware that i can use hidden wire or as you said only one single slider but i will be in less efficiency while go back and fort and search and find them.i think there could be more creativity if such thing happens.
with Metahopper you can create a master_slider that sets its properties (all of them or some of them) to slave_sliders, maybe closer to what you are looking for?
each slave_slider remains independent unless the master_slider is changed:
at the end this is like Seghier’s solution but with components…
many thanks @anon39580149 and @inno .
seems this could be a bulit-in function with low priority.
@anon39580149 I was wondering, could scriptcontext.sticky
be used for this purpose?
the -bad- idea is like:
→ read all sliders state, create sticky lists: slider_Minimum, slider_Maximum, slider_Values (first cycle)
→ read all slider state, if sticky already exist go to next
→ whenever a change in a slider is detected, re-read all slider states and compare those to the sticky-stored ones: the first mismatch found in each of min, max, val is applied to all sliders
→ overwrite old slider states in sticky with new ones
will try to write this down later tomorrow, but not sure of the outcome
i’m ready to fly to moon
I don’t understand your idea but i think using state (under Solution> Save state) is a good choice,
then maybe we can compare every values in different states.
it’s a weird thing, because what Saeed would like is to have a single slider that is sort of instanced n
times in the GH canvas, no master/slave, and regardless of what change you do to any of those n sliders, that change will be reflected into all of them
changing the value and domain of all the n sliders at once is easy, but understanding which of these properties has been recently changed in any of the n sliders is the challenging part
so my thought was to first read properties slider.Minimum, slider.Maximum, slider.Value, and store those into a sticky variable, that is the “initial state” of the sliders
then when one of those n sliders happens a change in Minimum, Maximum, Value, we go and compare these new values to the sticky-stored one, and whenever we see a difference we apply that to all the n sliders
after that, we update the sticky dictionary in such a way it stores the new values we have just updated, and create a new “current state”
so: the very first time the definition opens, those sticky variables should be created by reading the sliders, and after that whatever change you make to any of those n sliders should affect all of them, as if they were a proxy of each other