c-d says naked edge.
how can this be when I sweep face b along that edge ?
that edge is one of two rails, surely it has to follow the edge ?
hours spent trying to create my cowling, and the most simple two faces are refusing to behave.
I stayed away from rhino the last 3 weeks, bliss !
and battle after battle. simple sweeps giving naked edges, redone some 4 times, then another pops up, naked edge simple sweep.3dm (52.5 KB)
well thats interesting.
Originally this item was ok for 1mm,
Looking at properties, I see Model tolerances and Layout tolerances.
Whats the difference ?
It was 1.0 mm for model, I never thought to look for Layout.
I then copy pasted the parts I needed out to a new file to messaround trying out some theory etc.
That was 0.01mm model and layout 0.001mm
then I copied that out again to the file for the unit emblem post to this foum, and model became 0.001mm, layoit remaining already at 0.001mm as I never look there.
so copy paste out doesnt retain tolerances.
would export selected do so ? I shall have to experiment.
A warning for us all ?
So what effect does Layout tolerance have, and also relative tolerance %
Something to read about but on items where original build plan drawings were in 1mm increments 1 seemed enough. The recipient was happy with +/-4mm in fact for their build tolerances.