Simple question about object link

Hello All,

I am using bongo for simple mechanism animations but i am not good at it.
How can i link one object (1) to another animated object (2) to go with it?

in attached file
1- not animated
2- 0-50 animated
3- 50-99 animated

i want them to end up like shown on the right by adding movement to another.
Could you please help me to link them?

simple.3dm (202.4 KB)

And my second question is:

Sometimes when i complete one animation (like this simple example on the right) i want to make group with all objects and assign a new animation (like rotating all animated ebjects from one pivot)

To do that i am doing this:

  • select all animated objects
  • Bongomovepivot

All objects goes elsewhere :frowning:

I suggest you take a look at some tutorial videos on Bongo’s website:

Then for your second question; you can make all the object child of a point object (a “proxy”) and apply some animation (e.g. rotation) to it. The children will rotate along.

Any more question later, just come back again. Good luck.

Assuming you want the geometry to rotate clockwise, this is howto, step by step:

  1. First, insert a Point in the corner where you want the geometry to rotate. Like so:

  2. Then click “Select Children” icon to select the geometry you want to turn with the Point when the Point rotates (for the next geometry, further below, we do the same thing, but with a Bongo command instead) :

  3. Look at the command line (it asks for objects to be selected). Select the geometry and confirm :

  4. This results in that the Point (Object 5) has two “children” (Object 3 and 6), like so :

  5. Now do the same thing with the other geometry as you did above, but this time using a Bongo command instead. Click the button “Proxy Point” (it’s just a regular Point, but with a “Select Children”-command line automatically following) :

  6. Now you can insert a point. Put it in the upper right corner of the geometry :

  7. Then look at the Command line, which is asking you to “Select Children”. Select the lower geometry that should “belong” to this point :

  8. Move that last Point on top of the first Point (near the mouse pointer in the picture). The geometry will move along when you move the point :

Notice that the position of the geometry in the following pictures changes AFTER you enter the following values (I took the screenshots AFTER entering the rotation degrees).

  1. Now you should activate the “Animate” button on the right side of the Timeline and move the slider to the end position, Select the first Point (Object 5), then click the “Rotate” icon (to the left of the X, Y and Z fields), and fill in the value -180 degrees in the Z field :

  2. At last, select the the second Point (Object 7) and make sure the “Rotate” icon is selected, and enter the value 90 degree for the Z field :

Now you execute the animation and it should work.

You may have to start by “cleaning” up all former keyframes in order to get a fresh start following this instruction.

// Rolf


that was really helpful. Now i can do that.

I have one more question.

Let’s say i have an animation that 100 ticks long.
When i render i want to add reverse version (like a door opening and closing)
So basicly i want to have a video 200 ticks long.

To do that i tried 2 methods.
1 - Create “opening” video and used online video reversers and add “closing” to video (i am losing video quality and it’s a long process)
2 - After the rendering i copied all ticks BMP files and rename them backwards 101 102…and Re-encode video (also too long)

is there any easy way in Bongo?

Just prolong the timeline and move the slider to tick 200, and there you enter 0 degree for the same two objects which you earlier entered -180 and 90 degrees respectively. This will cause the objects to rotate back to the starting positions again (The start values were 0 degrees in both cases).

// Rolf

Ok, but the problem is for opening part i am making too many animated objects. Making reverse animation is also long process for me.

Is there any other way to do this?

You would add only two more keyframes in order to reverse back to the starting point (as I described in my previous post).

Place those two keyframes at tick 200, that’s all.

// Rolf

Dear Rolf, door is just and example. If it’s just a door i can make rotate back animation. Let’s say at opening part i have very complicated door locking mechanism animation in first 100 ticks and i dont want to make reverse animations for too many objects.

Sometimes there are different ways to achieve the same thing, but if you need to animate specific independent movements, those movements won’t happen unless you explicitly specify those specific independent movements. Only you would know what you want to happen in the animation.

Having said that, it wouldn’t be bad idea if Bongo had an option where it would try guessing how to bring the objects of an animation back to the same state as they had when the animation started. But when you think about it (regarding also other cases than doors), such an option still wouldn’t always do what you want anyway.

For example, should the animation continue a movement making a full circle, or reverse back to the starting point along the same path? (this is not a given, and not all cases represent doors that swing back and forth). Sometimes it would make sense only to proceed along a path that continues in the same traveling direction, while in other cases the opposite would be required, namely reversing back to the starting position along the path already traveled.

// Rolf

Thank you Rolf i guess there is no easy way to do that, i was searching in Render Animation page, something like “√ Render reverse movement”

I guess i am going to continue renaming 100 BMP files for every open/close video rendering.

  1. Don’t render to BMP format, just because its first.Use PNG for higher quality and smaller files.
  2. If you are comfortable with a video editor (After Effects or Premiere) then you don’t need to create a reverse animation separately.
  • bring in the video playing forward.
  • copy it and then reverse it.
  • play them end-to-end: open clip, then close clip. You can even insert a still image in between for a nice pause/transition
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Not so much for Oguz’s sake, but for all newcomers who may stumble across this discussion, my Bongo pride compels me to clarify that - although Rolf mini-tutorial results in a working mechanism – linking objects in a Forward Kinetics structure is being far less complicated than that.

It takes 4 steps to make Oguz’s scheme work:

  1. Align the object in their correct mutual starting position (using Rhino’s Move).
  2. Make the circle child of the middle rectangle (“Object 3” in the model), using the BongoSelectChildren command. The circle will automatically be named “Object 5” .
  3. Make middle rectangle child of the first (“Object 4” in the model). Now there is a hierarchical chain of the 3 objects
  4. Move the pivot of the middle rectangle to the appropriate place (where the ‘pivoting’ is to take place).
    And that’s that. simple 001.3dm (212.4 KB)

All existing keyframes can serve to perform the desired Forward Kinetics.
There is absolutely no need for proxy-points.
Proxy.3dm (63.3 KB) shows a proper use of a proxy.

Thank you Dave
Thank you Luc

Regarding the reversing: I made two entries on the wish list.

A BongoMirrorKeyframe - similar to BongoMoveKeyframe - making it possible to mirror (whether or not with copy) a selection of keyframes about a certain tick.

An option in Bongo’s Render Animation dialog enabling backward rendering (and even ‘forward, then backward’)

A wish for running the rendered frames in a “backwards order” in Bongo’s Video Encoder was already on the list.

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Excellent, thank you Luc