Request for additional features to the command.
please to the command
Add cutting object option. It works like jewelcad. and gives excellent results.
It’s a great command in its current form. However, having the cutting object or negative object option will make the command more beautiful. Please take it into consideration as it will be more useful.
automatic unify and subtract occur simultaneously.
and mybe we dont need anytimes mesh edit software…
For example, I wanted to mark the cutters that drill stone holes in a ring as negative objects and use them simultaneously in the shrinkwrap operation. This will perfect the shrinkwrap command.
I watched videos .shrink wrap is a successfully command .
I only want support u and designers
I really write this from a user perspective - knowing this might be hard to implement especially from the performance aspect:
I would love to see the following related Features:
set some initial closed Objects or a Boundingbox to limit the space the algorithm is applied to.
A sub-option would be to (yes/no) include this boundary in the final surface creation.
Allow creation of open surfaces, that are limited by this Voxel-Volume.
Seeds / 3d-Regions
I imagine those seeds as points (and objects that get sampled under the hood) that start the “solidification”.
Similar to a paint-bucket tool, or a magic wand for pixel selection.
Min / Max Thickness / Bridge-Distance
Minimum will ensure, that Holes of a certain diameter are not be followed - independent from the edge-length.
Maximum will consider Volumes as separate if the exceed this value.
Imagine a huge pointcloud of a scanned building.
With a limited Voxel-Volume and a Seed it should be possible to get a single room.
With the correct combination of above parameters it should be possible to get the wall mounted Waste-Water-Pipes - at least of a single room.