Shortcut for zoom selected all view ports?

browsed through mcneel help files but only found a shortcut to zoom all objects in all viewports. I’m looking for something similar to what I use in lightwave, I just hit the bracket key and whatever is selected will zoom in to all viewports. I’d imagine rhino can do this as well?

Hi Ryan - ZEA and Enter will do it - you can also set up your own in Options > Keyboard or Options > Aliases. The command string is

'Zoom All Extents


Thanks Pascal, I attached the macro to the unused ctrl+shift+Z put get an error “unknown command zoom”

Sorry!! typo - I changed my post…

'Zoom All Extents


thanks again, I guess its limited because it doesn’t maximize the zoom to fit each window? for example if you have a very small object you can’t see in the other viewports and typing the shortcut to blow it up in the other viewports? hopefully I’m making sense lol

That is what it should do - if it appears not to do that, it is likely you have a stray object out in space somewhere.


maybe you should try to setup a shortcut or macro for: _Zoom _All _Selected

_Zoom _All _Extents will not take the selected object into account.


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There’s also _SynchronizeViews which may be what you are after.
ie. zoom in on the offending object in one viewport then run _SynchronizeViews.
You can put it on an alias or button if you need it a lot.

just forgot, the shortcut for zoom selected in all viewports is ZSA :wink:


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You nailed it on the head! thats precisely what I needed Thanks everyone for the assistance :smiley:

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