Hey guys - I’ve made a Grasshopper script to create floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, and sheets based on room boundaries and organizes it based on a Program Number shared parameter. It works … but we have a scenario where we want to do a second phase room data sheets (RDS), and we’ve already ran the script once to create the first phase RDS package. The script seems to be overwritting, aka deleting, all of the previously GH created views, and sheets when the phase 2 script is run. I’m confused because the phase RDS grasshopper script is completely fresh started from a template file I have, so the runs should be seperated. Luckily we had detached a model before running the script so we only lost about 2 hours of work before we noticed. But still I have no clue why it wouldn’t work the second time around.
Any help is much appreciated.
Sheets - Create Floor Plan by Room Boundaries.gh (21.9 KB)