SharpDevelop vs. MonoDevelop vs. VisualStudio

I am still anti-csharp guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: , the problem is McNeel can’t or don’t want to support python-only plugins for Rhino.

For starters I’ll try to mix-em-up. Csharp + Python in the same plugin. Then will see.

Thanks all for the helpful notes @RIL, @nathanletwory, @stevebaer @AndersDeleuran @Dancergraham, @rgr.

I hope I didn’t miss anyone. :slight_smile:

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I was a little like you for a long time with CSharp, and in general with Microsoft technology.
But with (or because of) Rhino, I had to learn csharp. I would like to try to reassure you.
Yes, VS projects are heavier than a simple Python file (And you are not yet in the debugging stage, where you will have to restart Rhino each time.) But you will see this language is really impressive when you start to understand it a bit.

Like other people, use Visual Studio. Like RIL, do not worry about what you do not understand.
Overall, after creating a new Rhino project, you only have 2 files that interest you.
The [...]Plugin.cs file and the [...]Command.cs file.
