This is quite complex but I will try to document the whole process…
I am struggling a bit with the link model and use of shared coordinates.
I linked the Architect model and used Shared Coordintas when setting up my model. I my model I defined the scope box.
Unfortunately, they do not match when pulling to Rhino → so I want to transform my scope box, to be able to filter element by scopebox.
Here we can see scopebox and linked model. *Of course this is correct in Revit.
I tried to Query Project location from linked model but got this error:
- Why I do have two shared Sites in Query Shared Sites component - what is the difference?
- seems I have some valid data in Shared Site… do I need to query one from a linked model or from my active document?
so I checked in my Revit to display site data and Report Shared Coordinates from Linked Model and this is what we have. * you can see my scopebox in green
I checked in Revit if I have the same coordinate system
How should I query linked elements to have them in the same location as scopebox in my model or do I miss some step?