I think that it would be useful for all Rhino users to share their favourite scripts, macros and plug-ins.
Below are the scripts and plug-ins I use most often. For a detailed information you could simply search the forum to find the topics where those scripts were originally posted by their respective authors.
Mirror CPlane:
Mirror CPlane.py (418 Bytes)
Add bolt:
addBolt_v0.8.py (18.8 KB)
BoltGen_py.rhi (1022.8 KB)
Angle between curves:
CurveAngle.py (1.5 KB)
DimCurveAngle.py (2.2 KB)
Fillet curve with preview:
FilletCurves.rhp (21.5 KB)
Pipe straightener:
PipeStraightener.py (3.1 KB)
Extract centerline of pipes:
ExtractCenterline.py (6.5 KB)
Select by object color:
SelByObjectColor.py (462 Bytes)
Select objects by volume:
SelSrfsByVol.py (3.0 KB)
Find objects with similar volume:
FindSimilarVolumes.py (3.8 KB)
Find perpendicular from point:
PerpsFromPt.py (562 Bytes)
ProjectObjects.rhp (20.5 KB)
Remap plus:
RemapPlus.py (845 Bytes)
Highlight layers:
HighlightLayers.py (683 Bytes)
Move to tangent:
MoveToTangent.py (2.5 KB)
Arc line between curves:
spb_Crv_createArcLineArcBlend.py (7.6 KB)
Cycle display modes:
SetCycleModes.py (2.4 KB)
CycleDisplayModes.py (1.4 KB)
Dolly zoom slider:
slider.py (4.0 KB)
Revolve last axis:
RevolveSG.rhp (41 KB)
revolve_sg_fullcircle.py (896 Bytes)
Peter’s tools:
peterstoolsv221.zip (428.3 KB)
Select arcs and circles:
SelArc.py (466 Bytes)
SelCircle.py (474 Bytes)
SelByRadius.py (2.8 KB)
SelSameRadArcsCircles.py (3.0 KB)
Export selected with object’s name as DXF:
BatchExportDXFByObjName.py (1.9 KB)
Select by same name:
SelSameName.py (688 Bytes)
Closest points between objects:
ClosestPt2Objects.py (3.7 KB)
Unroll multiple surface with offset space between:
MultiUnroll.py (7.4 KB)
Flow along multiple surfaces:
Flow along multiple surfaces.py (475 Bytes)
Circle - tangent, tangent, center along curve:
CircFromTwoTanCrvsAndCentCrv2.py (2.4 KB)
Fillet surface corner:
FIlletSrfCorner.py (9.0 KB)
Straighten view:
ViewSetter.py (2.0 KB)
Toggle selection highlight (extremely useful for working with 3d scan data, because this will hide the yellow selection mesh):
ToggleSelectionHighlight.rvb (1.6 KB)
Circle on a surface normal
circOnSrfNormal.py (1.1 KB)
Select point pattern:
SelPointPattern.rhp (17 KB)
@Pascal accidentally set “SelPtPatterM” command for this plug-in, so make sure to add this command with “m” instead of “n” until it’s fixed.
Select curves on active CPlane:
SelectCurvesOnActiveCPlane.py (549 Bytes)
PlanarizeSurfacePoints.py (18.8 KB)
Fin extrusion (does not work on closed loops, must split them first):
FinTools.rhp (64.5 KB)
Editable curve on surface:
rhino6curveonsurface.rhp (166 KB)
! _CurveOnSurface
! _CurveOnSurfacePtOn
To use a script, you have to do the following steps:
Save the script in some folder where you will keep it forever. Note that if you move or delete that file, the script will no longer work.
Copy the directory where the file is saved.
Open Rhino, then choose which icon you want to customize and hold Shift, then click with the right mouse button. That opens the icon editor.
Paste the following text inside the “Command” field:
_-RunPythonScript "D:\Your directory\Name of the script.py"
Replace “YourDirectory” with your own directory which you already copied in step #2. Replace "Name of the script with the actual name of the script. Just an example:
_-RunPythonScript "D:\Rhinoceros 7\Scripts\Unicorn fillet\UnicornFilletVer1.py"
Press the “OK” button to confirm the changes and close the icon editor.
Open a nice drink.