Back-up topic: Share your Rhino options and toolbar layouts

Since we already have topics for sharing custom display modes:

and scripts, macros and plug-ins:

I think that it would be nice to have a common place to share our own Rhino options and toolbar layout. Not only this could be helpful for others, it can be used as an emergency back-up, as well.

These are my Rhino 7 settings used for my 1080p laptop:
Rhino 7 options - 28_6_2024.ini (1.3 MB)
default Bobi 18_3_2024.rar (3.7 MB)

I use the following starting scene set to millimeters (absolute tolerance = 0,001 mm; angle tolerance = 0,1 degrees):
Large Objects - Millimeters.3dm (130.4 KB)

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