Hi Brian, sorry to reply this late. I managed with “find and replace” in a text editor for the project in question. Then I forgot about it for a while. Please find attached an example that shows the problem.
ShaperSVG-shaper-cutDepth.3dm (3.2 MB)
I have a probleme when exprorting the svg file to the shaper.
I have a error code I cannot explain or solve (sorry it’s in french…):
Here is the svg file if necessary :
Brian - you are a lifesaver and greatly increased my workflow speed with Rhino and Shaper, thanks for making this script!
I didn’t see any options for custom anchors - my workaround for this is to draw a right triangle, select it as one of the curves, and then open the SVG file in a text editor and change fill=“none” to fill=“red” for that shape. I’m curious if anyone has found a better way.
I’m not familiar with custom anchors. Tell me more and maybe we can add them.
Hey Brian- here’s the user guide for custom anchors from Shaper: Custom Anchors
Got it. Can you please attach a 3dm file with the custom origin defined the way you would like to define it, and I’ll see if I can update the plugin?
Do you think just picking a point during export, and aligning the custom origin with the active CPlane is enough, or should we require the creation of a triangle in Rhino?
To potentially simplify the ask and expand the capability of the script, could color information (line color and surface fill color) be carried over from Rhino into the SVG? A user could then draw the origin triangle themselves and configure cut type encoding within Rhino. Cut Type Encoding
I think this is a separate feature from what we currently do. If you want to just do 2D drawing in colors known to Shaper Origin and export that, I think that’d be an entirely different command.
Adding a custom origin to the existing feature seems like a point is adequate. What do you think?