I am trying to use Rhino to design files for export to a Shaper Origin CNC. Origin wants a SVG file. But, every time I design something there is a screen that pops up with a lot of parameters to choose from. And, when I export to a SVG file and then open it on the Origin the scale is never right. I am constantly having to rescale. What am I missing and what should I be doing to create an SVG file that is scaled properly?
Hello - I would start with the scale part of the export:
If your target application assumes some specific units, you may have to use something other than 1:1 I suppose.
The problem seems to be that the SVG file is different based on how I zoom in or out on the screen and export (or save as) the SVG file. What is saved in the file is dramatically different just by changing the screen zoom level. It pays little attention to the drawn dimensions of the object. Rather, the output varies by how big or little the object appears on my computer screen.
Hello - does that apply when in an ortho view and setting the scale at 1:1 in the Print dialog?
Yes. the Top view I drew a single line 4” long. Then, saved it to a SVG file twice, changing the zoom level between saves and keeping the scale factor set to 1:1 in both cases. The XML in the files are quite different.
Hello - I cannot, so far, repeat that - I get 4" lines in the svg either way.
junks.zip (786 Bytes)
The two svg files in the attached zip were exported at two different zoom levels at 1:1 from the Top view.
I looked at the two files you created and I see differences in the data in the two files. Here are the two ‘commands’ and the differences I see:
In the junk.svg file:
path d="
In the junk2.svg file:
path d="
Hello- I do not say they are identical files, only that they each have a line that is 4" long, the same as the line initially created in Rhino. Is that not what we are checking here?
Thanks for sticking with me on this, Pascal. Here’s a little more about what I am doing. What I need to do with the SVG file is transfer it to a thumb drive, which is then plugged into my Shaper Origin CNC machine. It reads the SVG file and then I place the image of the object onto a piece of wood via their display screen. These two files will not both show the same length line since the data is different. One will be longer than the other. Shouldn’t the two files have the same information in them if all that has changed is how one views the object on the Rhino screen?
I have to pick someone up from the airport now. But, I can put the two junk files into my Shaper Origin later tonight and let you know what it does with them.
Rhinoceros exports SVG more as drawing than as CAD data. You could use my plugin that I developed because I needed SVG for Laser Cutting. It is used by some people that are happy with it.
It also have group to mimic layers. Rhino has still not this functionality.
Rhino SVG
There is a version for Rhino 5 and one for Rhino 6.
I took the two files (junk.svg and junk2.svg) and loaded them into my Shaper Origin. Both loaded as 5" long lines, scaled at 1:1. I changed the scaling to 80% and they loaded properly as 4" lines. What I have discovered over the last day is that choosing the “Extents” option in the “View and Output Scale” section seems to make things work consistently. The “Viewport” and “Window” options lead to problems; at least for me.
I don’t fully understand SVGs, unfortunately; especially the concepts of pages and the “viewBox”, “width”, and “height” properties. I think if I use the “Extents” option and always scale to 80% I can use Rhino to generate SVG files for Shaper Origin.