ShapeDiver model really slow

Hi Pavol,

Thanks for reviewing my file and sharing the blog post on Desktop vs Cloud Computation. I’ve read it, and now I understand the differences between both scenarios.

I reviewed my internet connection, and I have a download speed of 25 Mbps, but only 3.85 Mbps of upload speed, therefore, I believe my internet connection might be the main issue. I also read on the blog post you shared that paying customers receive priority on their models, so I have hope that the computation time might be reduced once I upgrade to the paying account.

Regarding the black square, I reviewed the definition and the geometry again many times, both with some Grasshopper components and by baking the geometry to Rhino and using the analysis tools there. There doesn’t seem to be any overlapping geometry or duplicate mesh faces. Also, I reviewed the mesh faces normals and flipped those looking inward, therefore, now all mesh faces look outward, just in case that affects texture mapping. Nevertheless, the black square is still showing up in the ShapeDiver viewer after re-uploading the definition.

I won’t be able to publish a model for customers with an “error” like that. Any ideas what else might be causing the black square to show up?

Best regards,

MESA (376.6 KB)