Good afternoon,
Can you please tell me how to calculate the shadow area for this panel?
vee bit (408.0 KB)
That depends on time of day, of course, the Altitude and Azimuth of the sun. Mesh Shadow is very useful for this. LadyBug requires at least one external file.
I have no insights to offer about solar radiation, sorry. Looks like you did a good job with shadows, which I seem to have broken somehow… I was playing around with Mesh Shadow which basically produces outlines of the shadow areas. In the process, I tried a few things.
Used Solid Union on the stack of boxes so I have only one shadow instead of one for each box.
Added a cyan group to “ignore first and last” points on the sun path, as they seemed to cause problems.
Added optional Plane Normal …
Hello, I am working on a project where we create a kinetic facade ,which is consists by many pieces, and I want the pieces to rotate accordingly to the sun movement.
I have created the sun path but I dont know how to connect the pieces rotation with the sun (maybe as an attractor?). The facade movement (the pieces actually) is manually at the moment.
[Sun path]
The files (rhino, grasshopper):
08_01_facade.3dm (8.8 MB) grasshopper kinetic (410.4 KB)