I had Rhino 7 configured with a keyboard shortcut to switch the camera’s axis of rotation to a currently-selected object, and this worked great. Something happened and my keyboard shortcut customizations have vanished under Rhino 8.
I have looked at the manual pages for SetView and a few other commands and setting the camera’s axis of rotation to a new point while in Perspective view seems really hard to find, and I feel like an idiot for asking about something I had down correctly a year ago.
This will both zoom to the object and the camera will rotate about the object (in 3d views). To ONLY switch the axis of rotation I don’t actually know off-hand
There’s the advanced setting Rhino.Options.View.RotateViewAroundObjectAtMouseCursor that does something similar. It doesn’t rotate around an object that is selected, but around an object that is at the mouse cursor.
I really don’t want to change to rotation about whatever object (or collection of objects, which could include things that are offscreen and give unexpected results) happens to be selected. There’s a command to set the camera’s axis of rotation so that it sticks, and I’m looking for that.
I saw the command buried in one of these threads someplace and I used it for a year via a shortcut, and now that I’m having to rebuild my shortcuts this is one of the few things I’m unable to find again.
Create a keyboard shortcut to MoveTargetToObjects and anytime you’re too far from the origin for the camera to behave properly or you want to move around something without fighting your angle from the origin, use the keyboard shortcut and your viewport will rotate around the object you had selected when you used the shortcut.