Hi there,
I have following problem:
I have a large photo I want to print using a simple up and down movement in a robot ( dot sponge operation) The image is large, hence I separated it into 9 panels/brep regions.
I need to extract points within a Brep, the points I want to select contain boolean data.
I have tried all options within “intersect” as well as “sets”, and I can’t generate the points.
Any help and suggestions are much appreciated.
Ekkhard 02.Large_Otto_IMG.gh (4.2 MB)
just a stupid note on speed, I recognize the number of points you are using is not HUGE, but just in case…
Replace Path is a bit slow, and probably it might be the case to use something like Member Index + List Item instead
and also Point in Curve is sort of OKish, but if you have rectangular curves that encompass boundaries with no space in between -like in your case- it might be the case to determine which point is in which curve using their X and Y domains… it just makes things much faster, expecially if the number of points you are going to use increases
this is just an example, but it’s incredibly faster than the previous and yelds the very same result
Excellent, will make adjustments, as I have all the robotic stuff following, the file was rather large and my CPU was doing overtime. Above a quick look what I am actually doing, thanks so much , very much appreciated