SelBadObject sees almost all project selected, extractBadSrf says all polys are valid then no Bad objects!

Technical whilst figuring out why this simple structure is half a gig when saved, say there are two bad objects.
I run SelBadObjects and the upper and lower halves of my item , in other words all of it (except the surfaces added into it that denote welds and two washers) are selected !

I read the notes on bad objects, hoping to read also of how to fix.

I try first ExtractBadSrf and see nothing happen, and in command area it says 'All Polysurfaces are valid.

Can’t be that then, I run SelBadObjects again and nothing gets selected !

So is it in fact not bad ? puzzled.

So did ExtractBadSrf do anything, should it show us what its found ? I would have liked to have seen why the entire object was bad.

I see something we all should run, it is:-
There is a useful command in Rhino called CheckNewObjects , which turns on checking in the background and checks all objects as they are created or imported. This way you know immediately when there’s a problem.

so with a healthy item I draw two parallel lines by projecting a box to the rear of the item , explode and delete the bits I dont want and sweep2 half an elipse to the two lines and it says invalid geometry was just added, I click report bug as it suggests and it says help file does not exist.


We would need a file to investigate this.

technical have been uploaded the full wip, but I refer to the deadwooded one now, less all sorts of development versions and clutter, how do I get this to you without allowing access to it to anyone on the internet forum ? seeing that the finished project is what needs looking at ?

saved without mesh custom max angle 0.35 its 2Mb, saved with max angle 0.35 its 250Mb !

I progressed with that clean file only to have it declare an issue, . I launch it again to get it to you, check what happened again, this time selBadSrf shows two surfaces, simple sweeps with two notches in them which shouldnt be there as the sheet does not get bitten into in the project. If I redo those two inner bends then it passes muster ! It said opening the file created 2 bad objects.


In the comments include this Topic URL:

ok done that

I essentially followed the steps in the FAQ document for fixing bad objects.
The two black surfaces just needed the surface border removed to fix them.

The two curved surfaces with the notches in them were very similar.
I detached the border curve, then used those curves to retrim the notches, then joined them back into their polysurfaces which closed them.

It took all of 3 minutes.

Do you want the fixed file of do you want to fix it yourself?

Hi John,
send me the fixed file please, I presume I get a download link.

SelBadObjects selected the entire model except for the surfaces that were on a black layer.

I am not sure of the black surfaces you refer to.

Initially I ran what I read in that article as step 1 for finding the fault, SelbadSrf and it said nothing is bad,

so what did you run to find the black surfaces had faulty borders ?

I am also puzzled as to what surfaces those were.

Doing this again it only found the two surfaces with notches, the notches should never have been there anyway as the surfaces are supposed to not intersect on the two ‘webs’. I deleted the notches , did a new sweep2, joined the two surfaces to the rest, and it was healthy. It didnt find the first two you fixed at all !

If it finds a surface how does one know its the sweep profile or the rail or both at fault, or the surface at fault ?

As to why it had them when I have been very careful also puzzles me.


This fixed version still has the notches in it because the Trim curves did.

I used SelBadObjects, inverted the results, and use Hide to get the good surfaces out of the way.
Then I used ExtractBadSrf and removed the two curves surfaces from their respective Polysurfaces.

After checking the units and file tolerances (they were fine), I used RebuildEdges on the bad surfaces. This did not fix them but that’s my first step.

Then I detached the border curves of all 4 surfaces. The two black discs did not visually change so I just deleted the extracted curves.

I used the detached borders from the two curved surfaces, retrimmed the notches, then deleted the rest of the extracted curves.

SelBadObjects was happy with the results.
I Joined the notched surface back into their respective polysurfaces and ran SelBadObjects again.

All was well.

It’s impossible to say what the problem was that caused them in the first place.
Fixing them and moving on seems the best action.