Seeking Solutions: Culling Polysurface Edges in Voronoi Lattice Creation

Hello creators,
Once again, I need your help with a stubborn issue. I want to eliminate the edges of the polysurface that are interfering with my Voronoi lattice.
Is there a method to cull these edges before inputting them into the Dendro components? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Please note that : the script is quite heavy , brep data internalized and disabled for comfortable opening and needs to be enabled

Thank you!

Voronoi lattice (112.8 KB)

quite heavy indeed :upside_down_face:

when you are at this step here:

among the 73998 Internal Edges Lines, there are also some that overlap the original Brep Internal Edge Curves:

you can use something like Pull Point on the Lines Mid-Point to those internal edge curves you don’t want, and cull-out everything that is under a certain threshold distance you set:

final result without those edges:

Voronoi lattice (114.6 KB)


Quite the same as @inno but I uses closest point on curve, then sort the distance, and if the shortest is too close, it is not 100% but not far.
I didn’t use the lines because you lost some precision and the tool will worse. I don’t really understand why you use this as you want some 3d smooth output!!!
And as you use points in Dendro I am not sure it is useful to filter curves by length or duplicate.

Voronoi lattice (112.5 KB)


You guys are life savers ! thank you very much ! now opening each of your scripts to understand your precious approaches .

the two approaches of curve closest point and pull point are clever stuff !
as intermediate grasshopper user ( self-taught ) i found this community critical regarding learning grasshopper ! can’t thank you enough !