Seeking Help with Shadow Optimization Using Wallacei in Grasshopper

Hello everyone,

My name is

Omer, and I’m currently an architecture student working on a project that involves optimizing shadows using the Wallacei plugin in Grasshopper. I’m interested in exploring how to best use this tool to create an efficient and dynamic design, particularly for managing sunlight exposure and shadow distribution on architectural forms.

I was wondering if anyone here has experience using Wallacei for shadow optimization, or if anyone could share a method or workflow that they have used successfully. If anyone has a working script or example file they are willing to share, I would greatly appreciate it.

Any guidance, tips, or suggestions would be extremely helpful as I continue to develop my project. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

  1. Determine the position of sunrise
  2. Get the rays of sunlight from the position of the sun
  3. Calculate the number of objects in contact with the rays.
  4. Determine if you need more shadows or fewer shadows depending on what you need.
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Thank you very much for the quick response, maybe you have a sample code that I can see why the recipe?

Hi Omer

I’d suggest first defining what your optimisation goal is, then set smaller objectives to optimise elements in your design to achieve that goal.

While doing this, it is important to define those goals and objectives:

Is ‘optimising’ to reduce or increase shadow on the ground plane?
Perhaps it’ll be to maximise in some areas and minimise in others?
I’d suggest looking into your plan for these areas of importance.
This will determine how you split up the ground plane.

What is the timeframe of the simulation?
Is it every hour from 9am-3pm?
Or is it 9am, 12noon and 3pm?
What are the months? the sun will have a different angle vertically depending on the month.
This determines the number of rays you’ll need and the shadows casted.

This is more about design intention and it relates back to the previous 2 points. Why do you want those places to have higher/lower amount of overshadow at those given times? Perhaps its for thermal comfort? Visibility/safety? This is very important.

These combined will give you the logic in setting up your script for solar optimisation.
