SDK 6 C++ Installer cannot find VS2017

I wanted to update the C ++ SDK.
I had version 6.10. (Something) and I’m trying to install the rh621sdk_6.21.19351.09141 version
I uninstalled the old SDK (as well as reinstall VS2017) but here is what I get:

Has anyone ever had this problem?

it is possible to recover the static libraries contained in the intalleur, but not the header files.

do you have an installer without the VS extension ?

It’s finally ok I can work …
I was able to recover the contents of the installer using lessmsi.

However I still don’t know if it comes from my system or from msi…
(Note: I also have vs2019 on my system)

Don’t waste time with this error,
I still had the installation version 6.10, and it doesn’t install either.
so the problem comes from my system.