I just started Rhinoscript development, and I’m still not used with the 3D management. So I would like some explaination for the RotateObject Rhino3D method.
I have an object, and I would like to do a rotation of it, around the Y axis, in particular, around the orange arete.

To do so, I followed this example :
Option Explicit
Call Main()
Sub Main()
'Create second glass
Dim sObj, aBox, aMin, aMax, aCen
sObj = Rhino.GetObject("Select object to rotate 1 degree", 0, True)
If Not IsNull(sObj) Then
aBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(sObj)
If IsArray(aBox) Then
aMin = aBox(0)
aMax = aBox(6)
aCen = Array( _
0.5 * (aMax(0) + aMin(0)), _
0.5 * (aMax(1) + aMin(1)), _
0.5 * (aMax(2) + aMin(2))_
yAxis = Array( _
0.5 * (aMax(0) + aMin(0)), _
0.5 * (aMax(1) + aMin(1)), _
0.5 * (aMax(2) + aMin(2))_
Rhino.RotateObject sObj, aCen, 10.0, yAxis, True
End If
End If
End Sub
But I don’t understand how it works.
What is aBox(6), does it represent the 6th corner of the box ?
Can you explain me aMin and aMax ?
Can you explain me the aCen variable ? What are the different points of this array, and also, why are they all multiply by 0.5 ?
The syntax of RotateObject is as following
Rhino.RotateObject(strObject, arrPoint, dblAngle, arrAxis, blnCopy)
I would like to define the arrAxis to rotate around my orange axis. How can I declare this arrAxis (yAxis in the script) ?
Thank you in advance for your help.