Script/Macro for selecting dims and changing the Model Space Scale

Hi all,

I need help creating a Macro or Script to help me select all the ‘Dimensions’ objects in the file, and change the Model Space Scale of the Dimensions ONLY to ‘5’. I need the text objects, leaders, etc, to stay the same, and have the default Model Space Scale of ‘1’.

I found this topic, but unfortunately it’s not what I’m looking for. The script written in that topic changes the Model Space Scale of all the Annotation objects in the file (text object, leaders, dimensions, etc.) and I need a script that changes the Model Space Scale of the dimensions only.

Thank you very much in advance!

Hi @Juan_Manuel_Fernande,

Why no just run SelDim and then just change the Model Space Scale value on the Properties panel?

– Dale

Hi Dale,

Thank you for your answer.

That’s exactly what I need to do, but I would like to create a Script/Macro that does it automatically. I’m constantly adding dimensions to my drawings on different days, so if I do what you’re suggesting, every time I add in a new dimension, I would need to change the Model Space Scale. If I have a button that did this automatically though a Macro/Script, that would simplify my workload.

I hope I’m making sense.


Well it doesn’t really make sense no, this is easy enough to script up but it seems like it would be simpler to just have a different annotation style for the stuff you want at a certain model space scale.

You don’t want to change them individually as you make them but you want to…run a script after adding them? So after adding a chunk of dims that are floating around at the wrong scale? Just use a different style with the right setting.