Scaling drawings into Rhino


How do you scale an architectural plan scaled 1"-20’-0" into Rhino properly?
What unit should I put in for Rhino unit?

Please help!

Thank you

I have a tendency to scale it after it’s imported and then check if the dimensions are logical.

1" = 20’ would be a scale of 240x (20’ = 240"). Use 0 as the scale origin point.

If you want to try via the file dialog, put in 240 and not 24 - assuming you are importing it into a Rhino file in inches.

But, are you sure the original is scaled correctly?

Thank you and yes this is the scale factor from the architectural drawing plan.

That’s what it says, but I never trust this stuff. Measure a known-size thing after importing to be sure.


Excellent advice.

Also I have found published drawings are not always very accurate and sometimes distorted.

My proceedure is to import the drawing.

Put a point at either end of a known dimension, preferably a large dimension.

Use the two points to create a line with length of the known dimension.
Line command
Select one of the points as the start point.
Type the dimensionlength and Enter
Select the other point.
The resulting line will have the desired length and be aligned with the points.

Scale the drawing
Scale command
First point as the base point
Second point as the first reference point
End of the line as the second reference point

Orient the drawing as needed.