Save Preferences / Keyboard Properties, hotkeys, shortcuts?

Hello, Rhino community!

I’m currently at the very start of learning Rhino. I’m usually working with many custom shortcuts; the first thing I did was change a bunch of them to suit my workflow better.

Is there any option by now to import/export these keyboard shortcuts?
I only found a thread from 2014 that stated this functionality is planned but not implemented.

Thank you very much!

Extra details:
I found that for Rhino v6+ there is a “containers.xml” found in
but I had a look at this XML and it seems like it only contains the arrangement and settings of the workspace ‘frames’/‘windows’ or how to call them.
Is there no way to copy the general settings from file>properties like undo history memory, autosave intervals, and keyboard shortcuts to another PC?

This is especially bothering me cause I’m currently enrolled in a course for Rhino at an institute that completely resets their working PCs on every boot to a default state, so I would have to copy each individual change to my custom settings every time by hand.

Again thanks for the read!
Kind regards,

Hi Martin -

That can be done with the OptionsExport and OptionsImport commands.

It’s only Rhino v8+ that have this xml file, and, as you found, this contains other information. The %AppData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\settings\ (that is, the parent folder to the one that you looked into) contains a settings-*.xml file that contains the customizations that you are looking for.

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Thank you very much! :pray: