Rx 580 8gb or 1050ti 4gb?

The title says it all

The benchmarks anyone can look up in 5 seconds say the 580, which I suppose I would agree with. I wouldn’t pay anything for either.

580 for memory but if you can get better go for that

For reference I use i7 3930k with a palit GeForce rtx2070, 32gb ballistix 1600mhz ram cheap and old parts but still good enough to run Rhino 8 and to render with gpu

Here’s what I found to be the best (but not perfect) resource for comparing this stuff:

The RX doubles the ti’s score. But still… do your research. Radeon tends to have more compatibility issues. But if the cost(s) are the same and you really need that VRAM.

CADARTZ card’s score is about 4x the Radeons. My card’s score (4070 Laptop) is 7x the Radeons score. Make sure you’re getting a SCREAMING deal or hold off on your purchase. It’s common right now to gouge the s**t out of people who don’t look up prices of stuff. I also know sometimes it’s a matter of needed something/anything and only having certain things available in your area.