Rotation around perpendicular Axis

I want to make those 2 pipes to be 360 rotatable … i tried some things but didnt work out. if any one could help will be appreciated…

conn (45.1 KB)


I recommend using Rotate

your attachment GH is invalid because it has 3rd party plugin.

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Based on my understanding of your question, you are looking to rotate two circular beams around a central column by 360 degrees. If I have interpreted your requirement correctly, u have to plugin ur beams lines before plugin them into tekla component to do rotate on them before that like my screen of ur script

i reccommend to use beam component by curve instead of by two point but as u like
if u are arab man u communicate with me on this whatsnumber (0201275400207) i can help u faster cause i’m not active here most of time


تحيا مصر يا مدير

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