I made this Road from Centerline script last year but had some problems…
This script is not working for closed curves. Trying to solve it, the script easily gets big and reduces efficiency. Since this is dealing with complex road networks. Every computation power counts. Any idea how to realize this effectively?
The Region Union component takes a lot of computation time…Any thoughts on working around it to significantly reduce the calculation time would be very much appreciated.
Thank you, René! I forgot to do that… I simplified the script and internalized the data. All the components are grasshopper-native components now. Road_auto_intersect_by_layer 1.00 troubleshooting.gh (30.3 KB)
Faster than RUnion but sacrifices resolution a bit - mesh quality can be bumped up, though - the fillets might be a bit shorter…
*Another one would be to extrude all roads as solids, boolean-union them (slow), get their intersection with the ground plane…BUT, when you do that, the solid union produces unwanted edges where solids unify - we can clean them up but the booleans will still be slow, so no bueno.
if you are happy to end up with all Polylines, and are also happy to use Clipper2 plugin… here is another possibility (Clipper2 is so fast that the bottleneck becomes the Fillet component lol)
Funny enough your amazing scripts work on NURB curves but for some reason give errors on simple ellipse but that is never used anyway IRL…
I was wondering whether it would be possible to keep some information about which curve degree would be filleted with which other so there could be a similar hierarchy to hose fillets.
Say I want the major-major, major-medium, and major-small would have x units of fillet for high-speed turns, the middle-middle, and middle-small would have y units of fillet, while small-small would have z units fillet.
I just sat down to the computer so I don’t have any progress myself yet. Will post if I get something.
EDIT. For now I resolved to classic attractors script but on larger geometries it might not be the best option and also in some cases the fillet point is closer to the small roads (extreme angles) so its not 100%.