I am facing an issue (not sure if that’s how it should work) as shown below, where I am trying to get a list of Sheets:Views that have visibile link instances.
As you can see below, the script does not work unless I open the sheet at least once and then recompute. So, I am wondering if this is how it is intended to work?
It should not need to open all views before running it.
The issue is that the Selectable in View and Visible in View filters are implemented using Revit API that requires the view geometry is already generated to work.
Thanks for the explanation, @kike I have tried with Element Visibility along with Link Instances and I had the result output as False similar to what’s showing below when it should be true for all sheets/views because the links are visibile in all of them not sure what I am doing wrong their.
@Japhy Your method seems to be working for RVT Links category so marking as solution, thanks.