Apply Filters to Views


I understand the logic on how to create Filters

But how do you apply them to Views?

The document filters you’ve created are here…

The easiest way to use these in a project is to manually add and modify the visibility overrides before saving View Templates to distribute to additional views via RiR.


Thanks for the reply. The filters that I have created will really only apply to 1 view so I suppose the best approach is to add the filters manually.



Hi Japhy,
How could do this in RIR.

Hi Liuwh,

In general you create a view Rule Based Filter and Apply it and its Overrides to a View.

Please see the components available to do this. If you a specific workflow in mind please do share the details. Thanks

Thanks Japhy,
I watched the video, but I want to set up view templates in Revit, including various display settings such as door and window visibility, and then distribute this view template through RIR to multiple views I select. Can I currently achieve this idea?

Certainly, View Templates are views in Revit that can be applied to the Views Element Parameter.

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted.