Ring in Rhino 7

Hi guys,

i was wondering, how could I create this type of ring in Rhino. I was trying to do it with the twist command, which works great, but I dont know how to made the middle part wider, without making the wires larger.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Kind regards Marcel

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ring_answer_to_forum.gh (22.5 KB)
It is made in Grasshopper.
The .gh definition has small problems, but I hope the idea is conveyed.


Here’s my approach with three entwined helices:

helix_ring.gh (36.5 KB)


check out some further references - to have a nice optic and nice feeling / “ergonomics” the inner surface will not be a helix.

check out “croissant ring” or “twisted ring”.

I think this is a quite nice exercise for lost wax sculpting / modelling.
(real world, hand crafted…)

without learning grasshopper - this should be quite simple with flowalongSrf.
… search this forum for flowalongsrf ring jewellery or other keywords… you ll find a lot of starting-points.

kind regards -tom


Removed a bit too much material but it works fine with ShrinkWrap…